Membres of the IEC

The members of the International Committee are your link to Europeade, and anyone from a country listed wishing to contact their local committee member they should do so via the link to their email address.

Board of directors


Heß Rüdiger, Frankenberg – Hessen, DE        

Vice President

Halling Marianne, Svedala, SE   

Secretary general

De Vos Peter, Deurne – Vlaanderen, BE


Ryssaert Rita, Wijnegem – Vlaanderen, BE


Gardiner Gillian, Adisham , UK
Joannes Francine, Jambes – Wallonie, BE
Neimane-Gardovica Nadina, Riga – LV
Zellmann Karl-Jürgen, Linsengericht – Hessen, DE

Board of directors

Members of the General Assembly

Ayllon Diaz Jesús, Madrid – Castilla, ES
Bahamonde Salazar José, Zamora – Castilla y León, ES
Damay Varone Sylvie, Bramois – Valais, CH
De Winter Armand - Wilrijk – Vlaanderen, BE
Dirgeliene Asta, Klaipeda, LT
Guého Jean, Elven – Bretagne, FR
Lanitis Michalis, Limassol, CY
Miaux Hervé, Annecy – Savoie, FR
Nicoara Vasile, Constanta, RO
Poletti Gianna, Borgosesia – Piemonte, IT
Post Stephan, Bonn – Schlesien, DE
Rebane Valdo, Tallinn, EE
Salis Peppino, Oliena – Sardegna, IT
Schroeter Debra C., Hofstetten – Baden-Württemberg, DE
Toivonen-Alastalo Hilu, Akaa, FI
Tsankov Pantcho, Sofia, BG
Vaz Pinto Ana Cristina, Figueira da Foz – Beira Litoral, P 

Members of the General Assembly

2019 Honorary members

Barbier Michel, Annecy – Savoie, FR
Damay Pierrot, Martigny – Valais, CH
Filipsone Indra, Riga, LV
Peeters Bruno, ‘s Gravenwezel – Vlaanderen, BE

2019 Honorary members