Welcome to the Europe of the hearts!

A people's Europe and a Europe of the people: the EUROPEADE. Europe at its best!

What is the Europeade?

Europeade is a five day celebration for 5,000 dancers, musicians and singers - in short, a real people's party.

It is not just an event.  We create European friendship and unity through our diversity.

Europeade is an independent annual celebration of 5,000 people involved in folk dance and music from all over Europe. We meet for a week in summer every year, often in a new city in Europe, old friends and new groups together.  We show our dances in displays in large arenas and in the streets of the city, and hold a ball, a parade, and an oecumenical service. Groups dance, sing and play their music in traditional costume throughout the city all day and all night! We share our regional culture with the local inhabitants and each other.

Latest news

Prospection trip to Scotland

Prospection trip to Scotland

Will the Europeade take place in Scotland in 2026? 
President Rüdiger Hess went prospecting.

Looking back on the 58th and looking ahead to 59th Europeade

Looking back on the 58th and looking ahead to 59th Europeade

Mayor Andrea Soddu and President Rüdiger Heß are certain that Europeade 2024 should also be an event focusing on peace and freedom in...

Request for participation

If your group wants to participate in future editions of the Europeade, you can use the form as a request for participation.

The registration

Registration will start in January 2024.